" Input: { (target) - if specified, use info from 'machine' module or (host_os) - host OS (detect, if omitted) (target_os) - target OS (detect, if omitted) (target_device_id) - target device ID (detect, if omitted) (data_uoa) or (uoa) - software UOA entry or (tags) - search UOA by tags (separated by comma) (interactive) - if 'yes', and has questions, ask user (quiet) - if 'yes', do not ask questions but select default value (default_selection) - default value for the selection from the menu (first_match) - in case of match ambiguity in menu selection, just take the first match (skip_help) - if 'yes', skip print help if not detected (when called from env setup) (deps) - already resolved deps (if called from env) (dep_add_tags.{KEY}) - extra tags added to specific subdictionary of deps{} for this particular resolution session (extra_version) - add extra version, when registering software (for example, -trunk-20160421) Be careful - if there is auto version detection, CK will say that version has changed and will try to remove entry! (extra_tags) - add extra tags to separate created entry from others (for example Python 2.7 vs Anaconda Python 2.7) (extra_name) - add extra name to soft (such as anaconda) (force_env_data_uoa) - force which env UID to use when regstering detect software - useful when reinstalling broken env entry to avoid breaking all dependencies of other software ... (search_dirs) - extra directories where to search soft (string separated by comma) (search_dir) - search only in this directory (useful for Spack and EasyBuild) (search_depth) - force directory recursive search depth when detecting installed software (soft_name) - name to search explicitly (version_from) - check version starting from ... (string or list of numbers) (version_to) - check version up to ... (string list of numbers) (full_path) - force full path (rather than searching in all directories) } Output: { return - return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) - error text if return > 0 path_install - path to the detected software cus - dict with filled in info for the software } "